The students are very friendly and where ever I walk, stepping along the crowded grounds over the hot, sub-baked concrete, students stop to say "hello, brother".
This morning I showed up in the same attire as usual only to find that it was one of those themed days during which the students don't have to wear a uniform. It seemed fine as most teachers keep their participation minimal it seems. So we carried on with business as usual. The students were decked out in gaudy white, black, and red: Jesuit colours and also the school colours. There were a lot of girls wearing sequined red bows in their hair, etc.
But I went home for lunch and found some black jeans and my red t-shirt: all topped off with my awesome Jesuit baseball cap: red black and white with an IHS on the front.
It was like I'd come back in a martian costume. All the kids were giving my high-fives and acting like they couldn't recognize me. The joke went a bit too far when a gaggle of female students started hollering that I was 'Justin Bieber'. We're both Canadian and the similarity ends there.
Because it was a 'Spirit Day' I taught them a little bit about Edmund Campion, the saint for whom the school was named. But after that subject was exhausted, I declared a 'free period' in which students could work on their own, read, or chat quietly.
It's good that I can be playful with the students. Otherwise both them and I would quickly drive each other crazy. Although there's a case to be made that I'm already on the cusp... :>
hey! That's me! Except I never discuss this stuff in class, it's only outside of class. Well, that depends in part on how you define 'class', and how you define 'never'.