Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ozymandias Crustulum

I am tired in the bones.  But the creation of essays has been overshadowed by a creation of far greater importance.  Far greater power.  And far greater terror.

The world was restless.  On the streets, the cookie-baking freestyle fighters whispered of a new challenger.

They said making a chocolate-chip cookie of such a size would break men's mouths.  But to cover the top with chocolate dip?   Was there no end to my ambition?


The world was not ready for my ideas.

What had I wrought?  The chocolate density... the cookie cakiness was flawless.  But even as one cookie fighter after another fell to my onslaught, still I was not satisfied.  There was more.

There was one cookie-baker who laughed at my creation.  He was a layer maker.  He constructed intricate folds of chocolate crumble and vanilla sweet.  Beside cocoa's yin he added white-icing's yang in a seamless harmony.  His style was strong.  He challenged my chocolate-chip behemoth with his own oreo-blend.

"Your two layers cannot match my three!" he laughed, "is this the really your best?"

My head lowered.  But my mouth twisted into a grin.  "Mada mada!" I was not done, yet.  As he bit into my victory, his eyes bulged with shock.  What did he find within the eye of the storm... his own power turned against him.

I who have contained perfection within perfection, oreo within chocolate-chip, have grasped the reigns of fate.

Look upon my works, ye mighty... and despair.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The crunch begins

I am feeling very anxious about the end of the semester. I am at that precarious point where I have started everything and finished nothing. The funniest part of it is... from where I'm standing now, I should be able to get everything done and all will be well. The schedule looks reasonable. So I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. What hidden landmine will explode and sap up my time and energy? It's maddening.

It's also an invitation to trust I suppose. If I was doing this schoolwork for my own security, that would be worse. But as it is, I am undertaking these studies as formation and as a mission in the praise and service of God. In that sense I feel moved to let go of my human desire to know the future and simply do the best I can today, with the hour that is present.

I'm extremely fortunate that these are the concerns I get to live right now... when so many have more concrete dangers and insecurities. I also feel like, even in the most palapable anxiety, I am still in love with God. And God is never far from my side as I move forward. I pray He will be near to you as well.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Craven Self-interest

Other stuff on my Christmas wish-list:

--a new microphone for my computer, for skyping and such
--one of those little white-board things that is the size of a piece of paper for making to-do lists
--the pc game "On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness" by penny-arcade
--a patridge in a pear tree

Of course surprises are always welcome. As I have a vow of poverty now, I must insist on very small things. But friendship is more important than rules :>