Tom Waits published copies of the poem to raise money for the homeless in his area. It speaks to his own experience of the problems of the very poor he has encountered; and their songs and stories.
But I found it a poignant reminder of my own work with the homeless in Montreal. And it even speaks to me here in this tropical land, where the massive gap between rich and poor so sharply divides the haves and have-nots.
The poor are God's Word, being sown upon the earth in the hopes they will bear fruit in the charity of others. But we, individuals and societies, are hard ground. We do not listen to the Word of God beings spoken so clearly in the eyes of those in desperate and desolate need of our love, attention, and respect.
A seed that cannot grow because of our hardness of heart is indeed a tragedy. And it stirs us to soften and listen, so that the poor can find a place in our own hearts, and bear fruit.
We are all but one moment away from being there, too.